Group Puppy Classes
1 Hour puppy classes, with a difference. Our 5 week course gives you and your new best friend the essential training you need for your pup to thrive in their future. Throughout these sessions we will teach you the fundamentals that your new baby will need whilst allowing them to socialise in a controlled environment. These classes are aimed at puppies aged under 6 months. Some of the topics covered within these classes are as follows;
- Diet & Nutrition
- Basic Commands such as; sit, down, stay, drop
- Lead Skills
- Recall
- Luring
- Rest & Relaxation
- Socialisation & Neutrality
- Toileting
Puppy Socialisation Package
Do you want to ensure that your puppy is properly socialised to all environments. Our Puppy Socialisation Package may be exactly what you're looking for. This includes 5 1-1 hour long sessions with one of our trainers, in which we will expose them to a multitude of real life experiences. Your puppy will come with us and be given the opportunity to socilaise with other dogs, come along to different environments including restaurants and cafes as well as being exposed to a variety of different types of people. These sessions will allow your puppy to learn how to relax when in public areas, whilst making sure they gain confidence making sure they grow to be a balanced dog. If you have any particular aims for your dog and their future, be sure to let us know so that we can make this package more tailored to you and your needs. For optimum results the younger you can get your puppy booked in the better.
Recall Sessions
A one hour group session to practice and perfect your dogs recall. Within this session we will teach you and practice a variety of games that allow for your dogs to have great recall despite any distractions. Having solid recall is essential for all dogs in case of any emergency situations, a solid recall also allows for your dog to have more freedom and the ability to explore within reason. Good recall in many cases can be lifesaving.