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Do you have any questions? Have a look below and see if your queries have been answered, or feel free to drop us a message through our contact page.

Do you walk dogs off lead?

Dogs will only be walked off lead if approved by their owner prior to our walks. During our initial meet and greet we will discuss whether you are happy for us to let your dog off lead.

We do use an enclosed field for extra safety, meaning that we do not require dogs to have perfect recall when using the enclosed field.

How many dogs are walked at a time?

We have chosen to only walk 4 dogs per person, this is to assure that each dog gets the attention it needs and to ensure their safety.

Do you walk all breeds of dog?

We are happy to walk dogs of all breed regardless of size and strength. We believe that all breeds should be entitled to the same rights, we hold no stigma towards any breeds. We are also insured to walk 'illegal breeds' giving that the owner has registered that dog and made sure they are spade and microchipped.

What if my female is in season?

To avoid any unwanted pregnancy's please let us know when your dog is in season so we can make sure they do not come into contact with any intact males.

What would happen in an emergency?

During our meet and greet sessions we will collect all the information in the very unlikely case of an emergency, including the contact details for owners and the animals registered vet.

Can I cancel?

We understand that animals can be unpredictable, to cancel please contact us at least 12 hours before your appointment to avoid any cancellation fees.

How do I make a payment?

Payments are accepted bank transfer, direct debit or cash. We invoice at the end of each week with the payment due the following Monday.

Are you insured?

At Happy Tail Trails we are fully insured. Both Dean and Maxine have also been DBS checked and have a number of qualifications in the animal care sector, offering clients an extra piece of mind knowing their beloved animals are safe in our hands.

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